The Happy Dog - Eng. book

When you get a dog, you're inviting a wolf into your living room. In this book, you'll find out exactly how alike dogs and wolves actually are, and how you can use this knowledge to get a happy, stress free and harmonious dog. 

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Karina Rasmussen, explains why dogs react the way they do. 

     Why are there sometimes problems with our dogs?

     What can you do to avoid these problems?

     How can you change problematic behaviour?

By sending simple signals to the dog, in it's own language, we can make it choose good behavior by itself. Find out what you should do if your dog is pulling on the lead, greeting roughly, jumping up, can't be home alone, barks, shows aggression and more. 

This book is a must have for all dog owners and also if you who are going to become a dog owner. With this book in your hands you can be sure to get off to a good start with your dog or puppy  and also a guide how to avoid problems. This book will get your dog to choose the good behavior for himself.

The book will tell you why some dogs develope a problematic behaviour and also how you avoid problems and what to do if you already have one or more problems.

Home alone problems, pulling on the lead, barking, strange eating behaviours and many other problems are reviewed and you will get the tools to solve the problems. The book is easy to use and easy to understand.

This is not a heavy theory book, but is written so you easily can get started and will leave you with a smile on your lips. The book also has many solutions to all sorts of problems.


In short this book will help you and your dog to a happy stress free life.

With this book in your hand, you'll have an even greater appreciation for humans best friend - The dog. 

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